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A pool of points that gets added to when you further your deities goals, ambitions, and tenents. It gets reduced when you call upon your diety for aid based on the magnatute of the request. It takes time and effort futhuring your deities goals to gain concordance.
Even if a character doesnt perscribe to a particular religion or pledge fielidy to a greater power. It is still possible for one of these beings to take an interest in the character. Guiding them or nudging them to further their own ends. Possibly providing aid of some sort to preserve their continued existance to play a role in some mechanation.
Expanded list
Why start all stats at zero? because it levels the playing field for all charaters. It also allows you to more freely give away stat increases which helps to give a greater feeling of accomplishment.
Magic Levels of Settings (MS = Magic Setting) Low MS - No caltrips, even the simple spells are difficult to learn, but have huge awe factor. Magic items are very rare. "Magic" is often chemisry and slight of hand. Mid MS - Limited to no caltrips, spells are learnable but that knowledge is usually well guarded. Magic items are rare. "Magic" is often a combination of chemistry and true mystical power. High MS - Caltrips are common and used daily by the populace. Mystical knowledge is valuable and often used as currency. Chemistry aids or boosts mystical effects.
Write explination of fields and how the brain accesses them, totem/items/materials assist with that access list elemental fields
Elemental fields are energy fields that permiate the "stuff" of the multiverse. As these fields cross, they interact and create various "planes of reality" that may or may not be hospitiable to some form of life or conciousness awareness. Not until a being becomes powerful or learned enough would they become aware of these fields. Most beings that draw, or are aware of, mystical power think of the various planes as the source of this mystical energy and elemental beings. Such as the plane of fire, ice, air, etc.. Few know the truth, fewer still would be willing to enlighten those who are ingnorant and unworthy in their estimation. As these fields "cross" or resonate with each other, a multi-dimension area of space and time can pop into existance. This new plane of reality will have properties based on the field values and vectors. Primary/Basic Fields are the most basic building blocks of the multiverse. Primary/Basic Fields :: Nexus - seperation, barriers. Without this field there would be no seperation of the other fields, and no seperation of time itself. All the moments of time would be happening at once. Time - flow of time, forward or backward Spirit - life, life-force inertia - Motion, vibration vacid - balance Duality Fields - fields that complimant/oppose each other in the grand scheme of things Aether - negative energy, opposes essence Nether - nothingness, the void, opposes ethereal Essence - positive energy, opposes aether Ethereal/Astral - substance, matter, opposes nether Coherence - resistance to change or predictable change Chaos - random change, often destructive change Elemental Planes - air cold light dark water heat earth electrical fire ice wind vibration gravity plasma - mixture of all the above elemental planes in uneven/unpredictable amounts Spells - see elemental list Stone Water
Population Designations: Dominant (singular for region/city) Minority (1+) Enclave Groups Individuals Singular
YouTube video code: 4-079Ylasck
The solution is 'RAIN'